Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Long, Long Year, and a Poem

It's been a long, and difficult spring and summer for my husband and me. He has Crohn's, as many of you know, and it has turned his life upside down, starting with an intestinal obstruction with micro-perforation that occurred in mid-March, and resulted in an emergency ileostomy that was supposed to be reversed after 3 months. Since then, it's been one complication after another. He is still dealing with the problems we never knew about until all this happened.

However, as he nears his reconnection surgery date, we have been trying to get his weight and strength back up, and one of the things we have been doing is walking every day. Those walks inspired this poem. I hope you enjoy it.

The Same Old Path by Benia Zouras

Friday, October 2, 2015

Monarch Butterflies and a Bunny

Summer's last gasp brought monarch butterflies to our yard only a few days back. Here, I attempted to get some footage of several of them feeding on our New England Asters, and got an unexpected bonus bunny as well.

The winds of Autumn are blowing hard outside now, but at least this video captures some relaxing quiet time. Enjoy.