Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I understand that Fibro is similar to ME/CFS in some ways... How do you cope with the pain, exhaustion, & broken sleep? (ie. 3 hours sleep, waking every 10-50mins) What things make you happy & take your mind off your illness?

I wrote up my own Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), based on my observations of my symptoms, triggers, and treatments. I shared mine with the public here:

It is difficult on the worst days, of course, but when I am up to enjoying friends or alone time, I can forget for a little bit. They key is to remember that there will be better days ahead.


  1. Zouras - good plan.

    Another thought is that you have a new job now - taking care of your health. Treat it as a job. Do work. Work is journaling or doing relaxation exercises, stretching exercises, keeping to a schedule, creating a healthy menu and figuring out how to conserve energy in shopping, gardening with light weight tools, figuring out short-cuts to cleaning with light weight tools, Keeping socially active, and keeping track of doctors' appointments and documenting what you're being told in your journal.

    It's all work. It really is. And when you work hard at doing what you need to to have as good a day and enjoying it as possible, that's your reward for working hard.

    any questions?

  2. Sounds like we are in agreement about how to handle chronic illness. I do feel like I have a second job now, but I am making adjustments, reading, asking, learning, and writing to help me organize everything so I can move forward.

    Thanks for writing!


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